Coromandel Driving Creek Railway-科羅曼德 急水溪觀光火車
享受一個小時的觀光火車之旅,一路抵達EyeFull Tower,
Nestled amongst regenerating native forest near Coromandel Town is Driving Creek Railway,
a narrow-gorge mountain trail lined with unique and colourful pottery.
It’s all aboard as you enjoy a scenic one hour train ride up to the ‘Eyefull Tower’,
where colossal views stretch out over the Hauraki Gulf and Islands.

享受一個小時的觀光火車之旅,一路抵達EyeFull Tower,
火車司機將為您講解巴里·布里克爾(Barry Brickell)的故事,並穿越原生的貝殼杉,
林木和蕨類植物駛向EyeFull Tower 觀景台
Nestled amongst regenerating native forest near Coromandel Town is Driving Creek Railway,
a narrow-gorge mountain trail lined with unique and colourful pottery.
It’s all aboard as you enjoy a scenic one hour train ride up to the ‘Eyefull Tower’,
where colossal views stretch out over the Hauraki Gulf and Islands.