Glass Bottom Boat-2hr Cathedral Cove Tour 2小時 教堂灣玻璃底船巡遊之旅
在兩小時的觀光巡遊之旅中,你將領略世界聞名的教堂灣(Cathedral Cove)及其周邊海洋保護區的迷人風光,探索令人嘆為觀止的火山海岸線與眾多壯觀的海穴在兩小時的觀光巡遊之旅中,你將領略世界聞名的教堂灣(Cathedral Cove)及其周邊海洋保護區的迷人風光,探索令人嘆為觀止的火山海岸線與眾多壯觀的海穴
Visit Cathedral Cove, sea caves, volcanic rock formations and pinnacles plus below the surface in the marine reserve. The only Cathedral Cove tour that can offer a window into the marine world along the coast.

參觀大教堂灣,海蝕洞,火山岩層和石峰 以及海洋保護區表層。唯一的大教堂灣之旅可以為您深入了解沿海的海洋世界。
Visit Cathedral Cove, sea caves, volcanic rock formations and pinnacles plus below the surface in the marine reserve. The only Cathedral Cove tour that can offer a window into the marine world along the coast.
What sets us above the rest is that we can take you below to show you what lives in the marine reserve. Sit back and watch the amazing marine life through the glass panels or take the plunge and snorkel amongst the fish.
2hr tours departing Daily from the Whitianga Wharf