Rotorua Duck Tours Tarawera & Lakes Tour 塔拉威拉及湖泊觀光之旅
  • 通過有趣的導遊帶我們走近地區的歷史,深入探究毛利人的歷史,地熱活動,火山,傳說等

  • 遊憩三個不同湖泊 Okareka湖,Tikitapu湖和標誌性的Tarawera湖

  • 欣賞令人嘆為觀止的塔拉威拉山火山圓頂的景色,並了解這種毀滅性噴發的歷史

  • Discover the history of our area with a fun & entertaining fully guided commentary, delving deep into Maori history, geothermal activity, volcanoes, legends and more

  • Splash down onto three different lakes; Lake Okareka, Lake Tikitapu and iconic Lake Tarawera

  • See breath taking views of the volcanic domes of Mt Tarawera and learn about history of this devastating eruption





The Rotorua District is home to 18 stunning lakes,

amazing natural landscapes and lush native bush.

Our Tarawera and Lakes Eco-Tour will take you from the centre of town into a culturally,

ecologically and historically significant area.

Home to ancient Maori tribes our tour route takes you through the Tikitapu scenic

reserve visiting 4 lakes and splashing down onto 3.

You’ll learn about ancient Maori history, the establishment of tourism in the area,

geothermal forces that shaped our land, agriculture,

flora and fauna and the list goes on. It is an cultural,

ecological and historical eco-tour that is informative, fun and unique!


Image Source:Rotorua Duck Tours