K Jet Mokoia Island 莫科亞島 乘快艇遊覽 30分鐘噴射快艇+30分鐘島嶼徒步
在Mokoia島的引導下,您可以發現一個充滿毛利文化的野生動植物保護區 快感與文化的完美結合
Unearth the rich beauty and history of Mokoia Island, blast over in our V8 powered jet boats.
A guided tour of Mokoia Island lets you discover an abundant wildlife sanctuary steeped in Māori culture.
The perfect combination of thrill and culture.

在Mokoia島的引導下,您可以發現一個充滿毛利文化的野生動植物保護區。 快感與文化的完美結合
Unearth the rich beauty and history of Mokoia Island, blast over in our V8 powered jet boats.
A guided tour of Mokoia Island lets you discover an abundant wildlife sanctuary steeped in Māori culture.
The perfect combination of thrill and culture.
Image Source: K Jet