Polynesian Spa Lake View Private Pool 豪華私人池
•四個私人豪華Rachel Spring鹼性礦物溫泉池
• Panoramic views of Lake Rotorua
• Four Private Deluxe Rachel Spring alkaline mineral hot pools




•四個私人豪華Rachel Spring鹼性礦物溫泉池





The Lake View Private Pool (38.5°C) offers panoramic views over Lake Rotorua to enjoy in peace .

Private pools cannot be booked for longer than 30 minutes at a time for health and safety reasons.

Includes towels, changing room, drinking fountain and shower.

• Panoramic views of Lake Rotorua

• Four Private Deluxe Rachel Spring alkaline mineral hot pools

• 30 minute hire

• Heated personal changing room and shower

• Minimum of two adults

• Children permitted if accompanied by two adults

• Children under 8 must be actively supervised by a caregiver in the water who is over 16 years old


Image Source :Polynesian Spa