坐皮划艇穿越Rotoiti湖,在途中了解一些歷史和當地的故事;到達壯觀的Manupirua Springs溫泉池,舒展身心、放鬆自我。屆時領隊會為您烹飪紐西蘭特色BBQ晚餐。晚餐後,您可以在湖邊享受日落的美景,並參觀螢火蟲洞。
Enjoy a leisurely paddle across scenic Lake Rotoiti to the hot pools. On the way learn about some of the history and the local stories.
Paddling time is around 1 hour each way. There is plenty of time to relax and enjoy the hot pools or swim in the lake before paddling back

坐皮划艇穿越Rotoiti湖,在途中了解一些歷史和當地的故事;到達壯觀的Manupirua Springs溫泉池,舒展身心、放鬆自我。
划著皮划艇之旅到Rotoiti湖上壯觀的Manupirua Springs溫泉池。這是羅托魯瓦最好的皮划艇選擇之一!划船穿越風景秀麗的羅托伊蒂湖,這是只能乘船前往的奇妙景點。恰好位於湖邊,有各種溫度不同的自天然溫泉
Join us for a guided Kayak trip to the spectacular Manupirua Springs Hot Pools on Lake Rotoiti. This is one of the best Rotorua Kayaking options on offer! Paddle across scenic Lake Rotoiti to this amazing spot only accessible by boat. Situated right on the lake edge there are a range of hot pools of varying temperatures all fed from a natural hot spring.Have a leisurely soak while your guide cooks an appetising Kiwi BBQ Dinner. After dinner enjoy a sunset paddle across the lake and a visit to the glow worm caves. Paddling time is approximately around 1 hour each way.
Duration 6 Hours
Image Source: River Rats