Departing our City Lakefront pier experience the thrill of a floatplane take off,
before climbing above Mokoia Island on track to our hidden lakes district
and the Volcanic Peaks of Mount Tarawera.
At 3680 feet in elevation this majestic volcano dominates the surrounding landscape

Departing our City Lakefront pier experience the thrill of a floatplane take off,
before climbing above Mokoia Island on track to our hidden lakes district and the Volcanic Peaks of Mount Tarawera.
At 3680 feet in elevation this majestic volcano dominates the surrounding landscape
and plays centre piece to the stunning lakes which surrounds it.
Above Tarawera views of cavernous craters reveal the power of
what was the largest eruption in New Zealand’s living memory.
The 1886 eruption devastated the local area including our famous Pink
and White Terraces once claimed as the eighth wonder of the world.
Included in the flight is our stunning lakes district and aerial views of the
Waimangu thermal Valley and its vibrant Inferno Crater and Frying Pan Lake.
Duration: 30 minutes 飛行時間:30 分鐘
This flight operates with a minimum of 2 adult fares