The twistiest track ever constructed, the Sidewinder is the longest in the world. Gather speed up on the straights before riding up the sides of the 6 massive corners. From the inside your never know what is coming next, and just when you think you’re done…. the corners keep on coming. You can choose to ride solo or take a friend or two along with you to share the hilarity.

The twistiest track ever constructed, the Sidewinder is the longest in the world. Gather speed up on the straights before riding up the sides of the 6 massive corners. From the inside your never know what is coming next, and just when you think you’re done…. the corners keep on coming. You can choose to ride solo or take a friend or two along with you to share the hilarity.
在全新的DRYGO騎行中,讓您在寒冷的冬季保持乾燥。 DRYGO經過專門設計,可模擬水上滑行,並在兩層之間放置了雙層球,並且可以在我們的直道或響尾蛇賽道上使用。 DRYGO可以選擇與一個或兩個其他人一起騎行,是想要騎行但又想保持乾燥乾燥的人的完美選擇。 最棒的是……您不會倒立,也不會暈眩!!
Defying physics and keeping you dry on those miserable winter days is our brand-new ride the DRYGO. With a double layered ball and water placed in between the layers, the DRYGO has been specially designed to simulate a water ride and is available on either our Straight Track or Sidewinder track. With the option to ride with one or two other people the DRYGO is perfect alternative for those who want to ride but want to stay nice and dry. The best part… you won’t flip upside down and you won’t get dizzy!!
Please note: DRYGO is weather dependent as it can get hot inside the ball, so in the warmer months DRYGO is not available.
Image Source: ZORB