悠波球內註水(夏天冷水,冬天溫水),可容納一到三位玩家。 ,來一場速度大比拼吧!
當您在250m長的斜坡上滑行,可以有一個,兩個或三個朋友一起滑行。 和朋友,家人沿著我們的雙重賽道前進
Superman dive into the ball on your own or have one, two or three friends in there together as you slip, slide and laugh your way down the 250m long slope. Riders have the option of racing their friends and family down our dual tracks – and if you have the skills, try stay upright and run all the way down the hill (for the extra competitive).

The H²OGO is our signature ride and our most popular ride style. The secret ingredient is that we add 40 litres of fresh water to every ball (warm water in the winter and cool water in the summer) Whether you choose to ride the Straight Track or Sidewinder Track, the H²OGO will have your sides hurting from so much laughter of slipping and sliding your way down the hill.
In winter, never fear – you won’t get cold with our three hot spas to keep toasty in between your rides, an outdoor fire pumping serious warmth, heated changing rooms (we even have hair dryers!) for afterwards and delicious barista made coffee on-site also.
Image Source: ZORB