Waitomo Glowworm Caves + Aranui Cave 懷托摩螢火蟲洞 + 阿拉奴伊洞
然後進入懷托摩保存最完好的秘密Aranui Cave。是懷托摩地區最壯觀的淺棕色,粉紅色和白色鐘乳石和石筍的故鄉
Aranui Cave – almost every corner of this exquisite cave is adorned with fragile,
sparkling forms in pale brown, pink and white as is the smallest
and most delicate of Waitomo’s main cave systems.
Be amazed by the thousands of magical glowworms above,
as you glide silently by boat in the world famous Waitomo Glowworm Caves.

AranuiCave 儘管由於沒有水,也不是任何螢火蟲的家,
懷托摩螢火蟲洞約需要1小時, 阿拉努伊洞穴則需要1小時。
Join the guided walking tour through an enchanted forest and
learn about the native New Zealand landscape and flora before entering Waitomo’s best-kept secret, Aranui Cave.
Almost every corner of this exquisite cave is adorned with fragile,
sparkling forms in pale brown, pink and white as is the smallest
and most delicate of Waitomo’s main cave systems.
Afterwards, enjoy the world-famous boat ride,
discovering thousands of illuminating glowworms above
as you glide silently through the glowworm grotto of the Waitomo Glowworm Caves,
emerging into the lush native forest. A stunning and other-worldly experience not to be missed.
Allow 1 hour for the Waitomo Glowworm Cave and 1 hour for Aranui Cave.