An encounter with a Hector’s dolphin in the wild is truly a once in a lifetime experience.

阿卡羅瓦港口由一座死火山噴發後形成,坐落於風景如畫的班克斯半島(Banks Peninsula)上。
包括: 潛水服,口罩,熱水淋浴,熱巧克力
每艘遊輪的接待量有限,僅允許有同伴預定了游泳活動的客人預定 – 觀看行程
It’s the ultimate dolphin experience as you will be swimming with the endangered Hector’s Dolphin, the world’s rarest and smallest oceanic dolphin.
Hector’s dolphins are protected in Akaroa Harbour by a marine mammal sanctuary and our dolphin cruise gives you the chance to see and swim with these beautiful marine mammals close up in the wild in their natural habitat.
Hector’s dolphins are endemic to New Zealand, meaning that you will not find them anywhere else in the world, and Akaroa is the only place you can take a trip out to swim with them.
Swimming with Dolphins tour is 3-hours in duration
Wetsuits, masks, hot showers, hot chocolate ALL included
Full briefing on dolphin’s expected behaviour from dedicated dolphin guide
Customers MUST be confident swimmers and capable in the sea (lifejackets are not provided)
Swimmers must be able to converse in English
Maximum 12 swimmers per vessel
Child must be over 8 years to swim with dolphins (8-12 years must be accompanied by adult swimmer)
Spectators can only be booked on a Swimming with Dolphins experience if they are accompanying a paying swim customer
Spectator space is only available on some vessels – if not displayed on your selected departure, please try another one
Image Source :Black Cat Cruises