Wings over Whales Whale Watching Flight 凱庫拉乘固定翼飛機觀鯨
乘飛機賞鯨提供了獨特的視角,在自然環境中觀賞鯨魚和海豚的機會。 旅客可以從空中體驗世界上最大的哺乳動物鯨魚的真實規模。
Whale watching by aeroplane offers a unique perspective and the opportunity to view whales and dolphins in their natural environment. From the air passengers can experience the true magnitude of the world’s largest mammal, the whale.

乘飛機賞鯨提供了獨特的視角,在自然環境中觀賞鯨魚和海豚的機會。 旅客可以從空中體驗世界上最大的哺乳動物鯨魚的真實規模。
Whale watching by aeroplane offers a unique perspective and the opportunity to view whales and dolphins in their natural environment. From the air passengers can experience the true magnitude of the world’s largest mammal, the whale.
Image Source : Wings over Whales