
歡迎乘坐Kai Moana釣魚和風景秀麗的海釣船。這艘11米長的鋁合金船於2014年專門建造,由150馬力的Yamaha 4衝程雙引擎提供動力,配備了全套馬桶設施,最新的電子探魚器和GPS以及我們的電動漁線輪,使這完全為您而設計的輕鬆釣魚體驗舒適和安全。
凱庫拉位於清新自然的海岸環境中,富含豐富多樣的海洋生物,當我們從南灣碼頭出發前往僅10分鐘路程的漁場時,放鬆並享受Kaikoura山脈和海岸線的美麗風光。將前往適合釣魚的深海海域。凱庫拉海釣都是將魚線放到一百米以下的海底,所以這裡釣上來的魚都是深海魚。如果運氣足夠好,還能釣到非常珍貴的藍鱈魚,唇指鱸魚,魴魚和石斑魚。船長會負責把你釣到的魚處理為魚片,方便帶回酒店烹煮,船長也會鼓勵你親手將龍蝦從籠裡取出,並指導你按照紐西蘭的法規測量和選擇龍蝦,只要大小符合漁業相關規定,你就可以帶走烹飪一頓紐西蘭正宗龍蝦大餐, 觀察許多海鳥,例如皇家信天翁,莫莉莫克和海豹。船長有45年的釣魚和潛水Kaikoura海岸的時間。會為有經驗的新手提供服務,並將為家庭和首次釣魚者提供專業的協助。
Welcome aboard Kai Moana fishing and scenic charter boat. This 11 metre aluminium boat purpose-built in 2014, powered by twin 150hp Yamaha 4 stroke engines, with full on board toilet facilities, the latest electronic fish finder and GPS along with our electric reels, makes this an effortless fishing experience designed totally for your comfort and safety.
Relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Kaikoura mountains and coastline as we depart from South Bay marina to our fishing grounds only 10 minutes away. Observe many sea birds such as Royal Albatross, Mollymawk and Seals. I have 45 years fishing and diving the Kaikoura coast. I cater for the novice to the experienced and will provide expert tuition to families and first time fishers. It is a thrill for me to share the excitement of someone catching their first fish.
Image Source : Southbay Fishing Charters