Kaikōura is the best place for whale watching in New Zealand, and one of the top spots in the entire world. Experience it from a whole new perspective and see the entire whale!

從直升機上觀看鯨魚可以很好地觀察整個海洋動物。 我們提供各種賞鯨之旅,在凱庫拉的水域終年發現了抹香鯨等各種各樣的海洋生物。 位於紐西蘭大量鯨魚的主要遷徙路徑上,我們經常看到藍鯨,座頭鯨,鰭鯨,南方右鯨,領航鯨和逆戟鯨以及各種海豚物種,具體取決於在季節。 觀賞直升機鯨魚使您可以靈活地遊覽該地區的不同物種。欣賞Kaikōura的壯麗景色作為背景。
Kaikōura is the best place for whale watching in New Zealand, and one of the top spots in the entire world. Experience it from a whole new perspective and see the entire whale!
Whale watching from a helicopter provides excellent viewing of the entire animal, as well as insights into the animals’ behaviour you can’t get any other way. We offer a variety of whale watching flights showcasing Kaikōura’s amazing marine life. Home to a huge variety of marine life including the Sperm whale, found year round in Kaikōura’s waters. Situated on a major migratory path of a huge number of whales in New Zealand, we often have sightings of Blue whales, Humpback whales, Fin whales, Southern right whales, Pilot whales, and Orca, as well as a variety of dolphin species, depending on the season. Helicopter whale watching gives you the flexibility to get around to different species that are in the area. Enjoy the stunning scenery of Kaikōura as a back drop.
Image Source : South pacific helicopters