Whale Watch Kaikoura凱庫拉觀鯨


Whale Watch是紐西蘭唯一一家以船隻為基礎的鯨魚觀光活動行程,在全年任何時候都可以在自然環境中與世界上最大的食齒捕食者巨型抹香鯨進行精彩的近距離接觸,保證80%的成功率 如果您的旅行沒有看到鯨魚,則退款

hale Watch is New Zealand’s only vessel based whale watching company offering an exciting up-close encounter with the worlds largest toothed predator the Giant Sperm Whale in their natural environment at all times of the year, our 95% success rate means we guarantee an 80% refund if your tour does not see a whale.

Image Source :Whale Watch