與我們一起在風景秀麗的馬爾伯勒峽灣(Marlborough Sounds)的平靜水域中享受紐西蘭的最佳海豚共游體驗
Join us on New Zealand’s BEST dolphin experience in the calm waters of the scenic Marlborough Sounds.
Our degree qualified guides are there to make sure you (and the dolphins) have the best and safest experience possible.

與我們一起在風景秀麗的馬爾伯勒峽灣(Marlborough Sounds)的平靜水域中享受紐西蘭的最佳海豚共游體驗。我們提供具有豐富資格的指導,以確保您(和海豚)擁有最佳和最安全的體驗。我們將搜索黃昏,寬吻,普通,逆戟鯨和稀有的赫克託海豚,這些海豚經常出沒於這個獨特地區。無論是看著一群靜靜地巡遊,還是驚嘆於社交活動中他們的飛躍,後空翻和翻筋斗,都是絕妙的景象!我們有保護部許可使我們能夠探尋與之共存的所有海洋哺乳動物物種並與之互動。
在條件允許的情況下讓 條件好的話,我們將您帶入水中,將經歷一次真正的冒險!一旦您下水,導遊將為您提供溫水,熱飲和一些餅乾,您可以在我們回到皮克頓時享用。與紐西蘭周圍的其他海豚游泳活動不同,在同一群海豚中有幾條船,我們是Picton唯一的海豚游泳運營商-這意味著我們是唯一在水中帶一組海豚的游泳者的船。我們主要在幾乎沒有海浪的地區運營-暈船對我們的客人來說不是問題。為您提供所有設備。只需帶上泳衣,毛巾和相機即可。
Our degree qualified guides are there to ensure you (and the dolphins) have the best and safest experience possible. See for yourself why E-Ko has the best things to do in the Marlborough Sounds.
Join us on New Zealand’s BEST dolphin experience in the calm waters of the scenic Marlborough Sounds. Our degree qualified guides are there to make sure you (and the dolphins) have the best and safest experience possible. We’ll be searching for Dusky, Bottlenose, Common, Orca and the rare Hector’s dolphins that frequent this unique area. Whether it’s watching a group quietly cruising along or marvelling at their high leaps, back-flips and somersaults during social bouts, dolphins are a magnificent sight! Our Department of Conservation permits allows us to seek out and interact with all species of marine mammals that live in the Sounds. We take you where the wildlife is and provide respectful interactions with these amazing creatures. During the cruise, we’re also likely to see NZ Fur Seals and a variety of seabirds (like Gannets, Shearwaters and Penguins).
Once spotted, we’ll cruise with the dolphins and get the swimmers ready if conditions allow. As a permitted operator, we abide by the rules and regulations established for dolphin swimming and viewing activities. If conditions are good, then we’ll place you in the water where you will experience a true adventure for your soul! Once you come out the water your guides will be waiting with warm water, hot drinks and some cookies which you can enjoy while we cruise back to Picton. Unlike other dolphin swimming operations around New Zealand where several boats are on the same group of dolphins, we are Picton’s only Dolphin Swimming operator – that means we’re the only boat with swimmers in the water with a group of dolphins. We primarily operate in an area of little to no sea swell – meaning seasickness is not an issue for our guests. All equipment is provided for you. Just bring your swim wear, a towel and your camera.
Swim briefing starts 08:15 and departure at 09:00