Marlborough Icons Tour 暢遊馬爾堡-美食之旅+青口貝巡遊
9.30am 皮克頓接—— 10am 布倫海姆接—— 10.30am 在甄選酒莊中品鑑美酒,含著名酒莊雲霧之灣—— 12pm 海邊午餐—— 1.30pm 離開碼頭開始馬爾堡峽灣巡遊-盡享馬爾堡峽灣秀美風光,探訪三文魚農場或青口貝農場,品嚐新鮮海味佐以馬爾堡長相思葡萄酒—— 4.30pm 返回碼頭—— 5.30pm 返回布倫海姆6pm 返回皮克頓

通過Marlborough Icons Tour享受最好的Marlborough。參加全日遊,沉浸在馬爾堡長相思,馬爾堡之聲和當地新鮮的海鮮中。
Enjoy the very best of Marlborough with the Marlborough Icons Tour. Indulge in Marlborough sauvignon blanc, the Marlborough Sounds and fresh local seafood with this full-day tour.
A Marlborough wine tour visiting two wineries in the morning is followed by a delicious Marlborough Sounds waterfront lunch, then a relaxing seafood cruise for the afternoon, accompanied by fresh local seafood and Marlborough sauvignon blanc as you cruise the stunning Marlborough Sounds.
Image Source :Marlborough Tour Company