Real Journeys Milford Sound Nature Cruises 米爾福德峽灣探索自然巡遊
Nature Cruises 米爾福德峽灣探索自然巡遊
班次 10:30-12:30 , 13:00-15:00
2hr cruise aboard the Milford Haven or the Milford Mariner

至米爾福德峽灣遊客中心Real Journeys櫃檯換票—前往碼頭登船—巡遊—回碼頭
- 從室外甲板和室內休息室均可欣賞美景
- 歡迎所有年齡段的遊客
- 船上免費茶水和咖啡
- 付費酒吧
班次 10:30-12:30 , 13:00-15:00
- Great viewing from both the outdoor decks and indoor lounge
- All ages are welcome on our cruises
- Complimentary tea and coffee on-board
- Licensed bar (extra cost)
Booking Information
- Child rates apply for 5 – 14 years and infants 0 – 4 years carried free of charge
- A Milford Sound Levy applies to all adult tickets and is included in the price displayed
- Check in 20 minutes prior to departure
- 2hr cruise aboard the Milford Haven or the Milford Mariner
Image Source : Real Journeys