用最極致的方式體驗新西蘭的壯美景色,穿越南阿爾卑斯山分水嶺到西海岸, 觀看美麗的Fox冰川和Franz Josef冰川,再次飛躍頂峰後您會觀賞到以下所有的美景
The ultimate way to see the Southern Alps. Traverse the Main Divide to the West Coast and view the breath-taking landscape of the Fox and Franz Josef Glaciers. Track north along the Tasman Sea before recrossing the snow-capped peaks of the Southern Alps to the Tasman Glacier.

用最極致的方式體驗新西蘭的壯美景色,穿越南阿爾卑斯山分水嶺到西海岸, 觀看美麗的Fox冰川和Franz Josef冰川,再次飛躍頂峰後您會觀賞到以下所有的美景:
塔斯曼終點湖,庫克山,塔斯曼山,塞夫頓山,Frenz Josef冰川,Fox冰川,紐西蘭西海岸景色,塔斯曼冰川全景,Hochstetter 冰瀑布,格蘭德高原及高原小屋
可選直升飛機 – 全程55分鐘, 含一次雪上降落
可選雪上飛機 – 全程55分鐘, 含兩次雪上降落 (根據天氣情況而定)
The ultimate way to see the Southern Alps. Traverse the Main Divide to the West Coast and view the breath-taking landscape of the Fox and Franz Josef Glaciers. Track north along the Tasman Sea before recrossing the snow-capped peaks of the Southern Alps to the Tasman Glacier.
Enjoy the stunning views of the Mt Cook National Park as you track south down the Tasman. Fly through the Grand Plateau and the Hochsteter Icefall as you pass under the east face of Aoraki Mt Cook before descending over the Tasman Terminal Lake.
Ski Plane – minimum 2 adults
Helicopter – minimum 4 adults