Blue Penguin Evening Viewing-Premium Tour 奧瑪魯藍眼企鵝-夜晚貴賓席位


In the Premium Viewing grandstand you view the penguins from only a few metres away. Participants in this tour need to remain still and quiet because the penguins are so close and are frightened by sudden movement.






The Oamaru Blue Penguin Colony provides visitors with an opportunity to see little penguins in their natural environment. A tour during the day allows visitors to peek into the penguins’ nests, stroll through their habitat and learn about their fascinating lives. In the evening, visitors are captivated by watching the nightly arrival of penguins from their days’ fishing at sea.

You have individual seating which makes the experience more comfortable. You will be informed about the lives of the penguins during a commentary delivered by one of our guides. When you make your way out to the grandstand you will enter into the breeding colony on a boardwalk and walk among their nesting burrows.

In the Premium Viewing grandstand you view the penguins from only a few metres away. Participants in this tour need to remain still and quiet because the penguins are so close and are frightened by sudden movement.

Premium viewing is restricted to only 60 seats so bookings are advised.

Evening Viewing Start Time

01 Jan – 31 Jan9.00pm
01 Feb – 14 Feb8.45pm
15 Feb – 29 Feb8.30pm
01 Mar – 15 Mar8.15pm
16 Mar – 31 Mar8.00pm
01 Apr – 6 Apr7.30pm
7 Apr – 15 Apr6.30pm
16 Apr – 30 Apr6.00pm
01 May – 15 May5.30pm
16 May – 15 Jul5.15pm
16 Jul – 31 Jul5.30pm
01 Aug – 15 Aug5.45pm
16 Aug – 30 Aug6.00pm
01 Sep – 15 Sep6.15pm
16 Sep – 26 Sep6.30pm
27 Sep – 30 Sep7.45pm
01 Oct – 31 Oct8.00pm
01 Nov – 15 Nov8.15pm
16 Nov – 30 Nov8.30pm
01 Dec – 15 Dec8.45pm
16 Dec – 31 Dec9.00pm
Image Source : Oamaru Blue Penguin Colony