Gibbston Valley Ride Wine and Dine including Transport 酒莊騎乘之旅+接駁車
  • 半天騎乘之旅,探索吉布斯頓葡萄酒產區和卡瓦勞峽谷

  • 在洛奇餐廳享用葡萄酒的拼盤式午餐

  • 在地窖裡品嚐葡萄酒

  • Half day bike hire to explore the Gibbston wine region and Kawarau Gorge

  • Platter style lunch in the Lodge Restaurant with wines

  • Wine tasting in the Cellar Door

  • 半天騎乘之旅,探索吉布斯頓葡萄酒產區和卡瓦勞峽谷
  • 在洛奇餐廳享用葡萄酒的拼盤式午餐
  • 在地窖裡品嚐葡萄酒
  • Half day bike hire to explore the Gibbston wine region and Kawarau Gorge
  • Platter style lunch in the Lodge Restaurant with wines
  • Wine tasting in the Cellar Door


Image Source : Gibbston Valley