Gibbston Valley WINERY TOUR 酒莊+酒窖+品酒 (45分鐘)
進入紐西蘭最大的葡萄酒洞穴, 參觀奧塔哥中部最古老的葡萄樹,了解我們的釀酒過程,。
Join us for a relaxed informative 45 minute tour of the vineyard, winery and wine cave.
You will be taken through the oldest vines in Central Otago,
learn about our winemaking process and go inside New Zealand’s largest wine cave.
All while enjoying 4 tastings of our award winning wines.

進入紐西蘭最大的葡萄酒洞穴, 參觀奧塔哥中部最古老的葡萄樹,了解我們的釀酒過程,。
Join us for a relaxed informative 45 minute tour of the vineyard, winery and wine cave.
You will be taken through the oldest vines in Central Otago,
learn about our winemaking process and go inside New Zealand’s largest wine cave.
All while enjoying 4 tastings of our award winning wines.