Go Orange-Shotover River Rafting 沙特歐瓦河漂流
在世界上最美麗的環境之一中體驗3–5級激流。急流每天都在變化,但是請放心,我們的嚮導經過專業訓練,並有著敏銳的冒險意識。他們將引導您穿越峽谷,穿越急流和著名的170m Oxenbridge隧道
Experience grade 3–5 whitewater rapids in one of the most scenic environments in the world. The rapids can change on a daily basis, but be assured our guides are expertly trained and have a keen sense of adventure. They will guide you through canyons, navigate the rapids and the famous 170m Oxenbridge tunnel to finish.


在世界上最美麗的環境之一中體驗3–5級激流。急流每天都在變化,但是請放心,我們的嚮導經過專業訓練,並有著敏銳的冒險意識。他們將引導您穿越峽谷,穿越急流和著名的170m Oxenbridge隧道

  • 3-5級激流急流
  • 劃過170m隧道
  • 駕駛在著名的船長峽谷路
  • 漂流Moana-Roa(大河)

Experience grade 3–5 whitewater rapids in one of the most scenic environments in the world. The rapids can change on a daily basis, but be assured our guides are expertly trained and have a keen sense of adventure. They will guide you through canyons, navigate the rapids and the famous 170m Oxenbridge tunnel to finish.

  • Grade 3-5 whitewater rapids
  • Paddle through a 170m tunnel
  • Drive the famous Skippers Canyon Road
  • Raft the Moana-Roa (big water)


Image Source : Go Orange