Safari of the Scenes – Wakatipu Basin (tour A) LORD OF THE RINGS 四驅越野涉水淘金
  • Visit LOTR filming locations

  • Travel the Skippers Canyon Road to Lighthouse Rock

  • See spectacular views over the Queenstown area

  • River crossing & gold panning in the Arrow River

  • 尋《指環王》拍攝地

  •  體驗刺激的箭河涉水

  • 翻越驚險船長峽谷, 俯瞰皇后鎮無敵全景

  • 親自淘金,一試手氣

Visit LOTR filming locations

Travel the Skippers Canyon Road to Lighthouse Rock

See spectacular views over the Queenstown area

River crossing & gold panning in the Arrow River



翻越驚險船長峽谷, 俯瞰皇后鎮無敵全景


Departs: 8:15am & 1:30pm Allow: 4 hours

Bring: Water, a camera, and a sense of adventure!

Includes: Gold panning & refreshments.

Pickup from Town Centre or Queenstown accommodation.

出發時間 :8.15am & 1.30pm 行程時長 :4小時

行程內含 :皇后鎮酒店接送、 美味特色茶點

溫馨提示 :建議攜帶飲用水、相機和越野探險的心 ! 穿著適合戶外活動的衣服和鞋襪