Real Journeys Milford Mariner Overnight Cruise 米爾福德 水手號 夜巡遊
  • 行程持續1晚

  • Milford Mariner的住宿:

    • 帶套間的私人小木屋(雙人,雙人或單人)

    • 提供羽絨被,床單和毛巾

  • 提供三道菜的自助晚餐,包括開胃菜,湯,沙拉,熱菜以及各種甜點和奶酪(提供素食選項)

  • 提供全套自助早餐,包括熟食和歐陸式早餐

  • 包括皮划艇和小艇活動

  • The trip duration is for 1 night

  • Accommodation onboard the Milford Mariner

    • Private cabins with ensuites (twin, double or single occupancy)

    • Duvets, sheets and towels provided

  • There’s a three course buffet dinner including appetisers, soups, salads, hot dishes and a selection of desserts and cheeses (vegetarian options available)

  • A full buffet breakfast with cooked and continental options is served

  • Kayaking and tender craft (small boat) activities included

在標誌性的米爾福德·馬林納 (Milford Mariner)上度過一個夜晚,然後在地球上最美麗的地方之一醒來。


Spend the night aboard the iconic Milford Mariner and wake up to dawn in one of the most beautiful places on earth.

The cruise style is relaxed, allowing plenty of time to view the fiord’s spectacular waterfalls, rainforest,

mountains and wildlife. It’s the ultimate Milford Sound experience!

Image Source: Real Journeys