Real Journeys Milford Sound Kayak 米爾福德峽灣海上皮划艇


An epic Milford Sound adventure.

The scale of the world-famous fiord is best experienced at sea-level.

Our awesome kayak team will guide you through Milford Sound

世界著名峽灣,米爾福德峽灣冒險之旅。強大的皮划艇團隊將指導您穿越米爾福德峽灣(Milford Sound)

  • 小團體-每個指南最多8人
  • 經驗豐富的皮划艇指南–攜帶所有安全和緊急設備,做出所有安全決定,提供划船建議和全面的安全簡報
  • 高品質的皮划艇裝備
  • 需要具備水上運動能力和適度的身體素質
  • 最低年齡16歲
  • 無需划船經驗

An epic Milford Sound adventure. The scale of the world-famous fiord is best experienced at sea-level. Our awesome kayak team will guide you through Milford Sound, show you the best spots and provide plenty of banter along the way.

  • Small groups – maximum of 8 people per guide
  • Experienced kayak guides – who carry all the safety and emergency equipment, make all safety decisions, provide paddling advice and a comprehensive safety briefing
  • High-quality kayaking gear
  • Competence in water and moderate fitness required
  • Minimum age 16 years
  • No paddling experience needed


Image Source :Real Journeys