We Provide
- Thermal top and leggings
- Wetsuit vest
- Fleece top & Hat
- Paddle jacket & Pogies (paddling gloves)
- Life jacket (buoyancy vest) & Spray deck
- Dry bags (for your clothing and camera)
- Map
- Double kayaks / paddles
- Group safety and emergency gear

早餐後收起帳篷,準備好皮划艇,接著劃向大廳灣(Hall Arm),擁抱清晨的靜謐。劃著皮划艇在峽灣中行進,如明鏡般的湖面蕩起層層漣漪,在雨天,水流沿山坡飛流直下。
下午返回深灣前,我們將划船前往瑪納斯皮納河段(Malaspina Reach)和伊麗莎白島(Elizabeth Island)。如果天氣條件允許,我們將揚帆行駛,休息並享用午餐。
This two day adventure connects you with nature in the spectacular wilderness of Doubtful Sound. There is no TV, no phones and no internet. Just you, your small group and your kayaks.
Your itinerary is flexible and route dictated by the weather and your desire to explore. With around 5 hours of kayaking each day, you’ll get to truly appreciate the expanse and primordial beauty of the fiord. Our experienced and knowledgeable guides will make sure you see the best of Fiordland.
As you explore this wilderness, its hidden waterways and secluded islands, look out for the locals – seals, dolphins and penguins. If you’re lucky, you might even find yourself paddling in the company of dolphins!
In the evening you’ll camp amidst the forest next to a fresh water stream in Hall Arm. Relax along the shore as the long southern twilight descends in the fiord. Bring your own food – we’ll supply hot drinks and swap stories with your fellow travellers. And as night descends, lie on the beach and spend some time star gazing.
The next morning, you’ll explore more of the fiord before heading back under sail (weather permitting) by early afternoon.