The Helicopter Line Milford & Sutherland Falls Charter 私人包機 米爾福德和薩瑟蘭瀑布盛宴
私人包機. 3個著陸點,包括米爾福德峽灣(Milford Sound),冰川/雪地著陸和湖鵝毛筆湖
體驗米爾福德峽灣(Milford Sound)的過程中,欣賞南阿爾卑斯山的美景
Private Helicopter
3 Landings including Milford Sound, Glacier / Snow landing & Lake Quill.

私人包機. 3個著陸點,包括米爾福德峽灣(Milford Sound),冰川/雪地著陸和湖鵝毛筆湖
體驗米爾福德峽灣(Milford Sound)的過程中,欣賞南阿爾卑斯山的美景,體驗這種驚人的冰川創造觀看奎爾湖,壯觀的薩瑟蘭瀑布(南半球第二高的瀑布)的發源地在天氣允許的情況下,您有機會降落在“世界之巔”,在那裡可以站在Tutuko冰川的古老冰河之中從皇后鎮住宿免費接送包括著陸在內整個旅程大約需要2.5個小時嬰兒(4歲以下且15公斤以下)可以坐在父母的膝蓋上,可以算作乘客15公斤以上的嬰兒需要自己的座位。 每架直升機最多可容納6位乘客,或最大總重量為480kgPrivate Helicopter,3 Landings including Milford Sound, Glacier / Snow landing & Lake Quill.Informative pilot commentary.Complimentary transfers from your Queenstown accommodation.Take in the beauty of the Southern Alps on your way into Milford Sound, experiencing this amazing glacial creation.View Lake Quill, the source of the spectacular Sutherland Falls –the second highest waterfall in the Southern Hemisphere.Before heading for home, weather permitting,you have a chance to land ‘on top of the world’where you can stand among the ancient ice flows of the Tutuko Glacier.Approximately 2.5 hours total trip duration including your landings.Infants (Under 4 years and under 15kgs) can sit on a parents lap and will count as a passenger.Infants over 15kgs will require their own seat. Each helicopter can hold up to 6 passengers or a maximum combined weight of 480kg.