4-hour heli-hike, with 2 hours of time on the ice and scenic helicopter flights to and from the glacier
All equipment provided: crampons, boots, socks, ice axes
Minimum of 2 passengers to confirm for this tou

從皇后鎮飛行到弗朗茲約瑟夫(或庫克山)塔斯曼冰川,行程中充滿了壯觀的景色,飛越南阿爾卑斯山,共3000多個小冰川。弗朗茲·約瑟夫(Franz Josef)冰川位於奧拉基(Aoraki)/庫克山(Mt Cook)的西側,塔斯曼冰川(Tasman Glacier)位於東側。該山區的天氣變化很大,尤其是在西側,降雨量高達10m。為確保您有更好的冰川徒步之旅。如果天氣不合適,我們靈活地調整路線從一側切換到另一側。由經驗豐富的嚮導以直升機帶您進入冰川深處。直升機越過冰川和瀑布深處的裂縫,降落在弗朗茲·約瑟夫(Franz Josef)冰川上空,或在塔斯曼終點湖上,該湖於1980年代形成,可欣賞庫克山(紐西蘭最高的山峰)的壯麗景色。
The one-hour fixed-wing flight from Queenstown to Franz Josef or (Mt Cook) Tasman Glacier is the start of a day filled with spectacular scenery as we fly over the Southern Alps home to over 3000 small glaciers. Franz Josef Glacier is situated on the western face of Aoraki/ Mt Cook and the Tasman Glacier is on the eastern side. The weather in this mountainous region can be very changeable with up to 10m of rain falling particularly on the western side. We offer similar tours to both glaciers to ensure a better chance that you will have a fantastic day hiking on a glacier. We have the flexibility with our guiding partners to be able to alternate from one side to the other should the weather not be suitable.
The experienced guides will then take you into a deep part of the glacier via a scenic helicopter flight. The helicopter passes over the deep crevasses of the icefalls and waterfalls to land at the upper Franz Josef icefall, or a scenic helicopter flight over the Tasman terminal lake that was formed back in the 1980s with a stunning view of Mt Cook (New Zealand’s tallest mountain) in the background and land at the middle of the Tasman Glacier. There you will be fitted with crampons for the two hours on the glacier ice, exploring ices caves and seeing the natural, ever-changing wonder of the glacier in South Island of New Zealand.
Image Source : True South Flights