Wings & Water-Scenic Seaplane Flights-Mystery Flight(飛行+徒步)

 將自己沉浸在偏僻的神秘地點,並額外登陸海灘。 絕佳的攝影機會和放鬆時間。

 Immerse yourself at a remote mystery location with an extra beach landing. Amazing photographic opportunities and time to relax.

1 hour  ,飛行時長1小時

將自己沉浸在偏僻的神秘地點,並額外登陸海灘。 絕佳的攝影機會和放鬆時間。

 Immerse yourself at a remote mystery location with an extra beach landing. Amazing photographic opportunities and time to relax.

1 hour  ,飛行時長1小時

Image Source : Wings & Water Scenic Seaplane Flights