Air Safaris-Helicopter Flight-MOUNT COOK ALPINE GRANDEUR-庫克山“宏偉高山”飛行路線 含冰川著陸 45分鐘

這次直升飛機之旅是帶您從特卡波(Tekapo)走的絕佳體驗,直通我們偏遠的高山山谷,直達3724米高空的奧拉基(Aoraki)/庫克山(Mount Cook)。在進入庫克山國家公園之前,了解所有高地地區的知識,以欣賞我們最高峰和最長冰川的壯麗景色。

Join us for an awesome experience showing off the very best of the Mackenzie with an alpine landing high on one of our local Sheep Stations to enjoy stunning views of Lake Tekapo and the mountains. In winter this flight offers an awesome “snow landing” experience.

這次直升飛機之旅是帶您從特卡波(Tekapo)走的絕佳體驗,直通我們偏遠的高山山谷,直達3724米高空的奧拉基(Aoraki)/庫克山(Mount Cook)。在進入庫克山國家公園之前,了解所有高地地區的知識,以欣賞我們最高峰和最長冰川的壯麗景色。

飛行中包括在Liebig Dome(7700’)上降雪,欣賞庫克山和周圍群山的全景。** 2月至3月可能會下雪。


  • 看到美麗的特卡波湖的碧綠色水和流入湖中的當地河流。
  • 約翰山天文台。
  • 格倫莫爾和戈德利峰高山牧羊場。
  • 沿著陡峭崎mountains的山脈蜿蜒​​穿過美利奴綿羊的家鄉卡斯,福克斯和喬利山谷。您的領航員會告訴您所有這些綿羊的飼養方式,並向您展示偏遠的聚會者小屋。
  • 向下眺望塔斯曼冰川底部塔斯曼碼頭湖的稠密乳白色水域。
  • 驚嘆於塔斯曼河下方的大型冰山,塔斯曼河由冰融化而形成,向下流入普卡基湖。
  • 可以欣賞到Aoraki庫克山和塔斯曼山的壯麗全景。
  • 越過默奇森冰川的下部到利比希山脈。
  • 在7700英尺的Liebig Dome上體驗一次精彩的高山降雪(降落位置會因天氣情況而有所變化-您的飛行員會在當天建議),從而有機會下車欣賞奧拉基庫克山國家公園的全景,或如果您願意,則可以利用完全獨特的機會降落在格倫莫爾綿羊站(Glenmore Sheep Station)的卡斯谷(Cass Valley)的一處偏僻的聚會場所。2月至3月的夏季中旬可能會降雪。
  • 亞歷山大湖(Arizona)和新鮮的泉水與冰川特卡波(Tekapo)湖形成鮮明對比。
  • 在上一個冰河時代,隨著冰融化,包括大量“侵蝕性”的古代冰川沉積物就被留下了。

This flight by helicopter is a totally unique experience taking you from Tekapo, winding through our remote alpine valleys all the way right up close to mighty Aoraki / Mount Cook at over 3724 meters. Learn all about our high country areas before crossing into the Mount Cook National Park for some amazing views of our highest peaks and longest glaciers.

Included in the flight is a snow landing on Liebig Dome (7700′) to enjoy a panorama view of Aoraki Mount Cook and surrounding mountains. ** snow may be limited in Feb – March.

Highlights include:

  • Seeing the turquoise blue water of beautiful Lake Tekapo and the local rivers that fed into the lake.
  • Mt John Observatory.
  • Glenmore & Godley Peaks High Country Sheep Stations.
  • Wind your way through the steep, rugged mountains and passes of the Cass, Fork and Jollie Valleys, home to the merino sheep. Your pilot will tell you all about how these sheep are farmed and show you the remote musterers huts.
  • Look down into dense milky waters of the Tasman Terminal lake at the bottom of the Tasman Glacier.
  • Marvel at the large icebergs below an the Tasman river formed by the melting ice as it flows down into Lake Pukaki.
  • Wonderful panoramic views across towards Aoraki Mount Cook & Mount Tasman.
  • Cross the lower part of the Murchison glacier to the Liebig Range.
  • Experience a wonderful alpine snow landing on Liebig Dome at 7700′ (landing location can change depending on weather conditions – your pilot will advise on the day) to get the chance to get out and take in panorama views of Aoraki Mount Cook National Park, or if you prefer take the totally unique opportunity to land at one of the remote musterers huts in the Cass Valley on Glenmore Sheep Station. Snow may be limited in the middle of summer from Feb – March.
  • Lake Alexandrina with it’s fresh spring fed water contrasting starkly with glacial fed Lake Tekapo.
  • Ancient glacial deposits including massive “erractics” left behind as ice melted during the last ice-age.
Image Source : Air Safaris