Tekapo Dark Sky Project-Summit Experience (English) 蒂卡波約翰山夜間觀星(英文團)

Dark Sky Project售票處往返約翰山交通;帶嚮導的觀星之旅;免費租借美國極地考察隊專用外套;免費贈送紅光太陽能LED電筒;免費熱巧克力

See more, see further with New Zealand’s ultimate mountaintop stargazing experience at the world-renowned astronomical centre: UC Mt John Observatory.






集合地點位於蒂卡波湖Dark Sky Project售票處,具體地址位於1 Motuariki Lane, Lake Tekapo,小鎮唯一的一間超市旁邊,超市名字叫Four Square.
如果只是多雲,觀星團仍可出發。當您前來Earth & Sky辦公室報導時,我們會告知您最新的天氣情況,當云較多時您將可以在出發前選擇是否上山。如果您選擇跟我們上山,取決雲層情況,若有部分星空無雲,我們會盡可能首先用裸眼和望遠鏡進行觀星,然後再帶您參觀專業的大型天文設備,有機會參觀新西蘭最大的天文望遠鏡(在晴朗無雲的晚上我們是無緣參觀的,因為研究人員整夜都會使用它們)。之後我們會使用專業軟件展示虛擬星空,天文知識和小故事,還有一些美妙的天文攝影作品及延時動畫。同時,如果我們在山上的時候如果雲層突然散去,那我們將隨時轉到室外觀星。如果您更希望看到滿天繁星,我們可以幫您免費改訂到其他還有空位的日期或者您可以在辦公室前來報導時選擇主動取消(每個訂單會有少許取消費用)

at University of Canterbury Mt John Observatory

See more, see further with New Zealand’s ultimate mountaintop stargazing experience at the world-renowned astronomical centre: UC Mt John Observatory.

Immerse yourself in the stunning surrounds, pristine night skies and sophisticated viewing technologies as our expert guides share the science and stories of our Southern Skies.

Don’t miss New Zealand’s premier stargazing experience. Exclusive to Dark Sky Project, the Summit Experience at Mt John Observatory is in partnership with the University of Canterbury.

We strongly recommend booking in advance to avoid disappointment.

The Summit Experience operates in all weather conditions. If conditions prevent us from taking you outdoors (eg. cloud cover or inclement weather) you’ll learn about our southern skies from our purpose-built technological and interactive venue.

Children under 5 years old are not permitted on this tour. Children are to be supervised by an adult at all times. A minimum of one adult to every two children is required.


Image Source : Dark Sky Project