
我們的涼爽游泳池和水上樂園(Aqua Play Area)可讓您在提卡波湖和山脈的壯麗美景中享受溫泉池的清新替代。溫度範圍為28至32攝氏度。
特卡波(Tekapo)是看世界上星星的最佳場所之一!特卡波(Tekapo)位於奧拉基麥肯齊國際黑暗天空保護區(Aoraki Mackenzie International Dark Sky Reserve)的正中心,該保護區是全球僅有的8個保護區中最大的。卡爾(Karl)想增加夜間體驗,以補充特卡波溫泉(Tekapo Springs)的白天活動,特卡波星光凝視(Tekapo Star Gazing)誕生了,將星光凝視與浸泡在熱水池中結合在一起。這次獨特的遊覽於2017年開始,是新西蘭唯一的帶嚮導的熱水游泳池和觀星之旅。它最近在享有聲望的南坎特伯雷商會“商業卓越獎”中入圍,為新西蘭人和國際遊客提供了難忘的體驗。
Experience the total relaxation of soaking in hot water in an alpine environment 720 metres above sea level. Our three hot pools are filled from an underground source near Tekapo; while the water is not geothermal it is exceptionally pure. Temperatures range from 36.5 to 38.5 degrees Celsius.
Enjoy a refreshing alternative to the hot pools with our cooler pools and Aqua Play Area featuring expansive views of Lake Tekapo and the mountains. Temperatures range from 28 to 32 degrees Celsius.
Tekapo is one of the best places to see the stars in the world! Tekapo lies in the very heart of the Aoraki Mackenzie International Dark Sky Reserve, the largest of just eight reserves worldwide. Karl wanted to add a night time experience to complement the day time offerings of Tekapo Springs, and Tekapo Star Gazing was born, combining star gazing with soaking in the hot pools. This unique tour opened in 2017 and is the only guided hot pool and stargazing tour in New Zealand. It was recently a finalist in the prestigious South Canterbury Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards and provides an amazing experience for New Zealanders and international visitors.
Image Source: Tekapo Springs